Friday, November 9, 2012

Surprise Test

We have a test today that no one was prepared for, but we were allowed to use our blog.  YAY! I studied in the beginning and still, that wouldn't have done me any good.  For the first page, I'm proud of my self, I didn't you my blog for it at all!  Anyway, it was just on who the leaders, facts about them, and they countries they govern.  I would say I got a 95%, after the test I went over my Health PowerPoint because we were supposed to present it next class, but that didn't happen.  For the rest of class I just was on my computer.  Evan was the last one to finish with like 2 minutes of class left.  Oh, and so I looked up the water bottle that Mr. Schick has called "Dopper", I google imaged it and I found one!  But sadly, it's not green like his is, only blue.

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