Monday, November 5, 2012

A Little about the Leaders

We worked on this in class for the majority of our time.  (Oh and if my blog looks weird, it's not my fault, it's still acting stupid, not don't mind me).

Dilma Rousseff-Brazil

  • She worked in the government but never held a office.  This experience in the government probably was better for her because it helped her to become acclimated to what actually happens in the government.  It would help her to obtain many people opinions from the inside before she was elected President of Brazil, and she is also very familiar with Barzil's corridors of power.
  • Also during a corruptions scandal that brought down major key figures she was elected Chief of Staff, then later she was elected President.  She went to jail for a coup d'etat and was tourtured.  It was Padarara, unique and horrible.  Don't want to write what it is.  So, yeah. EW.
President-Elect Enrique Peña Nieto-Brazil
  • Has plans to establish a special paramilitary police force to fight the drug cartels.
  • Had been working for the state government and PRI before he ran for presidency. 
Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud-Saudi Arabia
  • Was crowned Commander of National Guard, Second Deputy Prime Minister, Prince and then King.
  •  Recently granted women the right to vote in local elections. WHOOOOO!
Angela Merkel-Germany
  • She is currently ranked as the world's fourth most powerful person by the Forbes magazine, the highest ranking ever achieved by a woman
  • She was awarded the Grand Cross of hte Order of Merit of the Federal Rpublic of Germany and the honorary doctorate from Leipzig Univerity.
Bejamin Netanyahu-Israel
  • He leads a governing coalition dominated by right-wing and religious parties. 
  • He trained as a combat soldier and became a team leader in an elite special forces unit of the IDF, and he won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994.
Hu Jintao-China
  • To the public eye he possesses a low-key and reserved leadership style, and is reportedly a firm believer in consensus-based rule.
  • Was a construction Department of Gansu as a secretary, vice senior chief, Communist Youth League Gansu Branch Secretary, and was appointed as the director of the All-China Youth Federation.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad-Iran
  • Comes from a poor family, and has a modest life. (This is a good quality if he is a President), but is bad because it is unclear whether Mahmoud Ahmadinejad participated in the takeover of the embassy.
  • He attended Iran University that Ahmadinejad became politically active.
Hamad Karzai-Afghanistan
  • Hamid Karzai served as deputy foreign minister in the Mujahedeen transitional government.
  • Declined the post to the US ambassador.
  • Taliban was incharge of Afghanistan before Hamad Karzai
François Hollande-France
  • Worked for Max Gallo who is the press secretary to former prime minister Pierre Mauroy.
  • Lost his seat to the National Assembly but regained it four years later.
Pranab Mukherjee-India
  • He has authored five books, in his lifetime.
  • managed the successful election campaign for independent candidate Krishna Menon during the by-elections in Midnapore
Hugo Chavez-Venezuela
  • Studied at the Venezuelan Academy of Military Sciences in Caracas.  Was in the first class and was following a Restructured Curriculum.
  • Was imprisoned for trying to overthrow the government.
David Cameron-United Kindom
  • Stayed in the Conservative Party for five years after graduating.
  • Was given an amazing education and excelled in school. Graduated from Oxford, graduated with a Philosoghy, Politics and Economics.
Queen Elizabeth II of England
  • Received a private education at home.
  • She also hold the name  Defender of the Faith and it is in the full title.

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