Saturday, September 1, 2012

Class on Friday

Today in Human Geography Class we went over the vocabulary words about ancient Greece, which are arête, Socrates-his death and way of teaching, the Socratic Method, what happened in 508 BC, agora, and what it meant to be called and idiot in Greece. Those who did not do them were to do them the next night. Mr. Schick announced that there were several people in all of his Human Geography classes that did not do the Greece vocabulary in their blog. He also said that somehow all of those students were in section one, our section. So we were to have them done that night.  We were explained the assignment that we are supposed to post to our blogger website by Monday.  Our class has the choice to do one of three essays and submit them to our blog website.  Our choices are about what the arête is and how the Greeks demonstrated this, what Elbert Hubbard and Socrates would think of the twenty-first century if they time traveled, or an opinion of how we can approach excellence at John Carroll.

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