Monday, September 17, 2012


We went over a PowerPoint that was supposed to be extremely boring.  Thankfully it was not as bad as he said it would be.  We took notes on a lot of rates and discussed why the population has been rising so drastically since 1960.  "Baby boom" was right after WWII and we won so the men came home and within a few years there were so many babies.  When Mr. Schick grew up most every kid in his family had 4 or 5 brothers/sisters.  Now its very few amount of people who have over 4.  Also, women live longer! For two reasons though: they have jobs that aren't as dangerous, and they are mostly inside.  We also talked about the TFR (Total Fertility Rate), which is 2.1.  If Mr. Schick were to ask anyone of his students in the hallway "What is the TFR" nine out of ten would automatically reply "2.1".  Besides that we just wrote down information in our note books.

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