Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wednesday's Class

We went over the last little bit of homework and had some discussions about that.  We somehow got on the topic of sex and Damon asked why people in sub-Africa have sex if they know they will get HIV/AIDS.  Mr. Schick did best he could by not getting into too much detail while still explaining that it was a human desire and sometimes our desire overpowers our common sense.  So, people are still getting pregnant even if they cannot afford the children.  Though, some crazy people think that if you have a bunch of kids its OK because some will die because of starvation, etc.  In a sane mind having one kid would be the smart choice.  After that we watched a video and when Mr. Schick tried to turn on the projector he said something along the lines of, "You're all going to see me fall off this stool and break my neck."  Anyway, that was funny because we all talked about how we would put it in our blog and not call for help (Not like we would actually do that)  The video was about technology and how everything has increased and what technology will be like in the future.  During that video he told us to find 2 facts that were interesting to us.  Mine are:
How China will soon be the number English speaking country in the world.  That is so weird seeing as their language is Chinese and ours is English.  Also that people are preparing students for jobs that don't exist and technologies that haven't been invented in order to solve problems that we don't know are problems yet.  How would they know how to prepare them, if no one knows what to prepare them for?

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