Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Helping the New Students

Today in Human Geography we did not do much work, at all. Mr. Schick told us that we do not have to email him our blog every day, and realized he was talking to me. So I will not be doing that today. When we got in the classroom and sat down, we realized there were four other students. He told us that before we get started we must help the new students set up a gmail account and a blog. So, we did that, but it took a lot longer than we expected and had several problems with one of them. Also during this time we were given small donuts and were only allowed to take one, sadly. Before we knew it, the bell had rung and we were out of time. We did no work in that class at all! It was great!  An arete is a rock that symbolizes success and reaching your full potential; being the best you can be.  Polis is a city in Greece, and Socrates was a Greek philosopher, and known especially for the writings his students wrote about him.  The government was convinced Socrates' teachings were false and that he refused to recongnize the gods.  The Socrates method was where Socrates taught his students to ask question after question, just like lawyers do today.  In 508 BC. Greece established democracy as their for of law.  In Greece and agora is a meeting place and if you were called an idiot it meant you were selfish  ie: If you did not vote.  Sorry for the lateness of the vocabulary, I forgot about it.

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