Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Presenting Power Points!

First thing first, Maheer and Jake played with a slinky while a bowl-like thing was used to make noise.  Once we got settled we pulled out our PowerPoints and presented!  The First to go were the Native Americans, from their presentation I learned that they cam during the ice age period which was 12,000 to 17,000 years ago.  Also, they migrated south over time, from what the map said, it said that they came from Siberia (don't know if that's completely true though) went through Alaska, down into Canada and to North America.  So basically came through present day Alaska, Canada and North America.  There were no other people there when the Native Americans came, and weren't sent by anyone also.  The only time they fought was when the Europeans came.  Lastly about the Native Americans is that they took great care of the lands and worshiped it.  Then my group went and we told everybody about the Vikings,  they didn't stay long because they landed where the land wasn't so great, and would have been a lot up upkeep.  So they left shortly after their arrival, but there are still Viking sites that you can visit.  When we finished the Columbus group went, and that was the majority of the boys (so you can imagine how this turns out).  So in 1492 when Columbus sailed the ocean blue, the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria came, they landed in the Bahamas and loved it. (Originally they were aiming to go to India)  Native Americans were already there, but Columbus went back to England told everybody what he found and quickly said back to conquer the Mayans.  He won, but in the presentation the boys said that he didn't conquer them, and something like there was no one there when the English arrive.  Which by-the-way is completely false.  So their PowerPoint was ehh, but the other two were fantastic.  After the presentations we looked at a map of what people in America call soft drinks.  A bunch of states/counties call it pop.  While most of the east cost call it soda.  Much of the south calls it coke, we also looked at Nevada because they have so many people calling it so many different things.  This is because when people migrated to Nevada, they didn't want to change their culture and so carried on calling it what they wanted.  (120,464 people were interviewed for this).  That was the end of our Tuesday's class.

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