Monday, August 27, 2012

Second Day at John Carroll

        The second day of John Carroll, or the first actual school day, I was very nervous of what to do with my things when I got into the school.  Luckily though, my sister told me what to do and found my friends to walk with.  We got there with time to spare and was not rushing (thankfully).  When I went into my advisory it was definitely easier since I knew some people.  As soon as the bell rang I walk with a friend to our class (we have the first six classes together).  During Health Class we just tried to fix everybody's internet service, and finally we got some luck.  Time was also spent showing us emodo and OneNote.  In Human Geography we went over the syllabus, class rules, and the blogs we posted.  Religion pass fairly quickly and then I had an off mod.  I ate quickly and headed to my last three classes.  It's a plus I know my way around the school very well because it gave me enough time to get changed for Cross Country.  This was the worst part of my day.  We had to sprint twelve football fields and I felt like I was going to faint.

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