Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Movie, Movie, Movie

We didn't get as far into the movie as we did the previous days, but from what we watched Jared Diamond said that any point at the same latitude has similar aspects.  They share roughly the same climate, and there is a lot of the same crops and animals.  Another reason why the fertile crescent failed to flourish until today is because the climate changed and caused there to not be an unlimited supply of crops.  When the people fled the Fertile Crescent they went East and West because that is where their animals could live and it had the same type of vegetation.  The animals that weren't domesticated and the grains spread mainly towards India and Africa, so when they reached places like Egypt they had enough food to gorge the hierarchies with.  When there was a surplus of food, the people of Egypt were ordered to build the Pyramids.  There are about 100,000,000 cattle in the US, that's about 3 people for a cow!  Also, there is 20 million tons of wheat consumed by just humans a year, and in one day a pound of wheat is consumed.  In the big picture, farming has most definitely shaped the outcome of humanity.

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