Monday, January 7, 2013

More Movie

More of the movie was played today, so that's all we did.  Last week we watched the part where it talked about how guns, germs and steel dominated the Americas and killed the Mayans.  Also, it's quite impressive how Jared Diamond knows several of their languages and how they New Guineans know English also.  Diamond claims that the New Guineans are more adaptable and quick to learn than many others, that is the opposite of the people that came there before Diamond.  They all said that they were superior to them and it was set in their DNA.  Throughout the whole video Jared Diamond is trying to answer the question Yahli asked, "Why do you white people have so much cargo and us New Guineans have so little?"  Then today we talked more about that question and also the things all civilizations have in common, which are: advanced technology, large population and well organized work forces.  Diamond also refers to countries as either "haves" or "have not's".  The haves are countries who have things they need with you, while the have not's are more like the hunting and gathering.  They have to search for what they need and may not even find it.  Because of the ice age it caused a drought to last more than 1000 years and it killed animals and plants and the people had to walk even farther than they already did to find food to survive.  Humans migrated with/to the animals.  Though when the ice age started to melt, the middle east was thriving.  The city called Drah was the first primitive villages in the world, was said to have emerged 11.5 thousand years ago.  Dr. Ian Kuitt is in charge of the site being uncovered and discovered.  They actually built a granary that kept their wheat and grains away from the humidity, bugs and animals.  This also allowed them to survive in times when other's could not.  Wheat and barley was the bulk of what was stored in it mainly because it is more durable, and it was what was available to them.  Also, they were the first farmers in the world, they domesticated crops. They grew crops and were able to keep the ones that were easiest to farm, the more vigorous and most prosperous.  When people domesticated animals they were allowed to eat the leftovers of the crops, and when they left manure it helped the dirt to be more fertile and help the plants prosper.  With the New Guinean's, farming didn't help they because the only real resource they have at their reach is the Sago tree.  This tree is striped the inside is edible to them, other parts are useful for everyday uses.  The women are the ones who gather, and gathering is also a more productive way than hunting.  Also, besides the Sago tree, they do eat bananas for some more vitamins, but when necessary they may eat large spiders for the protein.  Some places are more known for what they grow, such as China, they grew rice, in Africa it was sorghun, millet and yams.  For the America's it was squash and beans.

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