Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Helping the New Students

Today in Human Geography we did not do much work, at all. Mr. Schick told us that we do not have to email him our blog every day, and realized he was talking to me. So I will not be doing that today. When we got in the classroom and sat down, we realized there were four other students. He told us that before we get started we must help the new students set up a gmail account and a blog. So, we did that, but it took a lot longer than we expected and had several problems with one of them. Also during this time we were given small donuts and were only allowed to take one, sadly. Before we knew it, the bell had rung and we were out of time. We did no work in that class at all! It was great!  An arete is a rock that symbolizes success and reaching your full potential; being the best you can be.  Polis is a city in Greece, and Socrates was a Greek philosopher, and known especially for the writings his students wrote about him.  The government was convinced Socrates' teachings were false and that he refused to recongnize the gods.  The Socrates method was where Socrates taught his students to ask question after question, just like lawyers do today.  In 508 BC. Greece established democracy as their for of law.  In Greece and agora is a meeting place and if you were called an idiot it meant you were selfish  ie: If you did not vote.  Sorry for the lateness of the vocabulary, I forgot about it.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Story of Garcia

During mods five and six right after Computer Support I had Human Geography. In this class we read "A message to Garcia" by Elbert Hubbard. This was an essay written about President McKinley trying to send a message to Garcia, a general in the middle of the Cuban Islands. This was when the Spaniards and Americans were at war fighting over Cuban independence. Rowan was a man asked to send this message to Garcia, either because he had inside information about where Garcia was or he had knack for that. Either way Rowan successfully sent Garcia the letter and returned safely. Several discussions were talked about this throughout the reading. During this time, Mr. Schick accidentally kicked his stool across the room, and then started talking to it. The point Elbert Hubbard was trying to get across was that humans seem to do the bare minimum that they can do and ask lots of questions. Also, that we rely too much on others to do our own duties and to not go beyond the limit. Rowan in the story was a man that is the perfect role model because he did not ask questions, disobey and order, or take his time with it.


Monday, August 27, 2012

Second Day at John Carroll

        The second day of John Carroll, or the first actual school day, I was very nervous of what to do with my things when I got into the school.  Luckily though, my sister told me what to do and found my friends to walk with.  We got there with time to spare and was not rushing (thankfully).  When I went into my advisory it was definitely easier since I knew some people.  As soon as the bell rang I walk with a friend to our class (we have the first six classes together).  During Health Class we just tried to fix everybody's internet service, and finally we got some luck.  Time was also spent showing us emodo and OneNote.  In Human Geography we went over the syllabus, class rules, and the blogs we posted.  Religion pass fairly quickly and then I had an off mod.  I ate quickly and headed to my last three classes.  It's a plus I know my way around the school very well because it gave me enough time to get changed for Cross Country.  This was the worst part of my day.  We had to sprint twelve football fields and I felt like I was going to faint.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Today, the first thing I did was head to the Cafeteria.  I ate some food and met up with my friends.  Once the speaker called us to head to the auditorium my mom and I went to find a spot to sit.  The teachers gave us speeches of what the days/years to come would be like for us.  Most of the speeches were about learning and growing in the school community and how John Carroll would make us feel welcome and we did not have to worry or panic.  Although they did stress the importance of being serious about school and not to just fool around.  I was then called by the color of my folder to head to my advisory.  I really like my advisor Ms. Redfern and the other freshmen who are in there with me.  I was given my locker and the combination but sadly when I opened it, the locker was stuck and would not budge.  (Ms. Redfern ended up having to help me.)  I shoved my stuff in and we were shown where our classes were by Ms. Redfern.  When the fire drill went off we fooled everyone else outside (trying to ignore the loudness) to row G.  Then I was able to get a snack and head to my first class with Mrs. Deroba (Mr. Lowe).  I was only given one mod off but that was fine with me because I would not have much to do.  So far, I like all my classes, but the one that I think will be the most exciting for me is Chinese.  I cannot wait to be able to speak Mandarin!  After all my classes were finished I waited for my sister to arrive with my clothes for Cross Country practice (which was absolutely agonizing).